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[2016] The Bride Trials Page 7

  to Drake and extinguished the flames with a blast of air. He closed his eyes and held his hands over Drake. Keyla could see the damaged muscle and skin regenerating and knitting itself back together on Drake.

  While Ditran worked to heal Drake, Emre rushed toward Keyla. “Don’t touch me!” Keyla yelled, afraid she’d hurt him, too. The wall of flames grew taller, spread wider. It was twice as big as before and continued to grow.

  Emre stopped. I’ll hurt them all if I stay. She ran in the opposite direction and heard Emre yelling behind her to come back.

  She ran until her breathing came in gasps and the flames dimmed. In a small clearing, the hurt and fear reached a crescendo inside of her. She crumbled to her knees and brought her hands to her face. She sobbed into their heated embrace until the flames came to a stop.

  Several sticks snapped to her left. “The last time I was here, there was a fire.”

  Whipping her head around Keyla exclaimed “Suzenita!” Keyla stood up and rushed toward her. Suzenita held up her hand, “Hold it! You are much too warm right now for me. I’m not a fire element and I’d prefer not to be burned.”

  Keyla stopped and stared at her hands. “Did you know this would happen to me?”

  “When I learned about your capture. I hurried as quickly as I could. Did they use a stone?” “What do I do now?” “I cannot make that choice, dear.” Suzenita’s voice was comforting and she reached out to stroke Keyla’s hair. She dropped her hand before completing the motion.

  “What is my mission?” “The same as it always has been. Make a difference in the world. What that difference is, is up to you. I’ll report your new circumstances to the rebel council. You’ll be notified when you have another assignment.”

  “Great, I’ll just be at the palace. With all of the other women competing for a prince.” “Use this opportunity to your advantage. Think of how much you can learn about the inner workings.”

  “I could kill the King and the rebel council could take over. Make it better for everyone.” “Or you might even find the love you seek

  along the way. You’ve never had a boyfriend before.”

  “Love from a pampered prince. He told me about the worst day of his life. Ice protected him from falling apples.”

  “Hush child. You don’t know the depth of sorrow an ice manifestation requires. Shards start with water and it takes years of training to learn how to turn it into ice. Get to know him before you decide he is unworthy of your affection, teach him the truth about his Kingdom. I’ve watched him for some time. Sonovo has blinded Heir Ditran from seeing what is real.”

  “Keyla!” Emre’s voice called from the other side of the tree line at the edge of the clearing. Suzenita backed away, fading into the trees opposite Emre’s approach.

  “I must go, Keyla. I know you’ll make the right choice.” She spoke it softly, and was gone. Keyla had a few minutes to herself before Emre crashed into the clearing. He absorbed the flames around her until they were all gone.

  “Keyla!” Emre said.

  She remained silent while puffs of steam began to rise around her. He reached for her, then thought better of it

  and brushed the hand through his hair. “Drake is going to be fine. If we hurry back, we might be able to get the Heir to pardon you. No one can be expected to control their powers upon first manifesting. If he doesn’t pardon you, I can try to get you out. But the Rebel council, they…” He stopped.

  “I doubt the council would protect me. They probably think I’m incompetent, and no one wants to face the Dark Shard. I failed my mission when I got caught by the cabbages.”

  “Cabbages?” Emre stared at her. “You were never supposed to go by any cabbages.”

  “The note specifically said to go to the grocery store.”

  Emre paled. “My instructions never included a grocery store. Are you sure you didn’t just get lost?” His insult stung. “I might be bad with directions occasionally, but I’ve never been that bad.” “Someone is playing a very dangerous game.” “A game. Is that all this is? I’m not a piece on a chessboard.” Her skin started tingling once more as fury began to surface inside her.

  “That’s politics. Always trying to out think or maneuver your opponent.” He stopped pacing and looked at the steam rising around her. “Calm down. You don’t want to trigger your powers through

  anger. If you do, it’ll fail you every time you really need it.”

  “How am I supposed to calm down when you’re insulting me?”

  “Lay down, focus on your breathing.” Keyla looked at the grass under her feet. At least it was dry. Next to her boot there was a lump of disfigured metal. She brushed the dirt away and saw squiggly, squished lines that sort of resembled the letter ‘H’.

  “We don’t have all day. Hurry up.” She placed the lump in her pocket before lying down. In, out, her breaths became longer. She closed her eyes. The tingling was everywhere on her body. As she breathed in, it drew inwards, pulling first from fingers and toes. She exhaled and felt the heat release. Inhale, exhale. The tingling quickly drew up her arms and legs before settling in her middle. Once the tingling stopped all together, she started shivering. The heat had left with the tingling.

  Emre held out his hand and helped her to her feet. “Now that we know the communication system is compromised, I need someone I can trust in the Palace. Will you help me?”

  “One condition.” She sucked in a deep breath. “Train me to use my powers. I don’t want to hurt anyone ever again by accident.”

  Nodding, Emre smiled. “Absolutely.” Keyla started walking.

  Staying where he was, Emre asked, “Where are you going?”

  “Back to Heir Ditran. I suppose I’m going to need to apologize for running off.”

  “You’re going the wrong way.” She reversed direction, and heard his smothered laugh when she tripped. Emre reached out to help her. She brushed his hand away and stood up. “Not one word.”

  Emre smiled, and mimed his lips being zipped shut.

  “Let’s go.” She said and started walking toward the burnt trees.

  lasting more air, Ditran got rid of the smoke surrounding them. His eyes stung as he surveyed his work. Pink patches of tender skin covered Drake. He’d live, but there would be scars. Ditran didn’t have the energy to both put out the flames and heal Drake completely. Soreness would accompany Drake for a while, but it would go away.

  The amount of damage she inflicted with the one blast was extraordinary. The trees surrounding where she stood were just black sticks, and the flames towered over the forest as they spread further away.

  We really should have done this in a less burnable location, but I thought this spot would be big enough.

  He looked over the clearing he stood in. The fire had doubled in size, and with each passing moment the flames grew bigger and farther away. Is this what it looked like when my father died? He stood and withdrew another of his energy drinks from his belt. He stretched out his arms and began pulling the flames toward himself, absorbing the burning energy and exhaling healing into the forest. It would take time, but someday no one would be able to tell a fire had happened here.

  “Where is she?” Drake tried to yell it, but it came out as barely more than a croak. He coughed and tried again, “I'm going to-”

  “You're awake. Good.” Ditran interrupted “Now you can help.”

  “I'm going to peel her skin one frozen layer at a time. And then I'll make her wish-”

  “No. You are not.”

  “She attacked me and fled. Her crime is punishable by death.” “As Heir, I pardon her and command you to do no harm to her.” Ditran stared at Drake, and after a few moments Drake looked away.

  Drake began mumbling under his breath, “...see....your...has to....”

  “What was that?” Ditran demanded.

  “We'll see what your Uncle has to say about this.” Drake lifted his chin defiantly. “Captain Drake, you will not breathe a word about this to
him. If you do, I will tell him how a mere girl, who barely manifested her powers, was able to incapacitate you, the highest ranking military leader.” He paused a moment to let the words sink in, “Should we see what my Uncle will do for such an embarrassment and failure.”

  “No, Sire.” Drake stood and pulled a vial from the side of his belt. He flipped open the top and drank the contents in one gulp. His skin finished forming, void of the dark lines that had so painstakingly been placed there before. Drake formed a ball of water in his hands and directed it at the fire.

  They worked together in silence, concentrating on stopping the spread. The flames were mostly out when Ditran heard laughter. He stopped and turned toward the source.

  Emre and Keyla broke through the trees. Her smile immediately disappeared, and she dropped her head and curtsied. Emre bowed beside her.

  Ditran couldn’t help but wonder. What is their relationship? He did invite her to the dinner. “Emre, why don't you and Drake finish putting out the flames. I’d like a few moments with Keyla. Then we can all travel back together,” Ditran said.

  Emre stepped towards Drake then paused. “Wouldn't it be better to discuss things in a sitting room back in the City?”

  Jumping into the conversation, Drake spoke. “I agree with Officer Emre, you are much too exposed out here. Remember what happened to your father.”

  Ditran flinched slightly at the mention of his father. “The faster you extinguish the flames, the faster we can return. I’ll not see the forest burn further.”

  Drake nodded his head. “Very well.” Emre and Drake moved along the burning trees quickly putting the flames out. Emre pulled the flames to himself, while Drake extinguished the embers with water to keep the fire from starting all over.

  “I’m sorry I ran,” Keyla said. Once both Drake and Emre were out of hearing distance, Ditran turned to Keyla as they walked. “I apologize for any harm we caused you. I should have realized how difficult it can be to control and prepared better.”

  Keyla’s gaze met his. “You really should stop blaming yourself for everything. I’m the one that ran.”

  “I should have prepared you more.” He smiled at her and couldn’t keep the teasing tone out of his voice. “Which I would have done if you had let me give the full speech I’d prepared.”

  She smirked. “No doubt your speech would have given me a chance for a nap, which I need after being awakened so early.”

  “We didn’t have all day for your beauty sleep. Viscount Ashby wants to announce my choice for the trials today.”

  “Why do you want me in the trials? I hardly match the picture of a demure lady you’re no doubt looking for.”

  “Logically, it’s beneficial for both of us. I can’t tolerate another encounter with the women Viscount Ashby presented. By participating, you don’t have to go back to a caretaker. When the trials are over you’ll be of age to be on your own and enjoy your new title. And for purely selfish reasons, I would like to learn more about you.”

  “So you offered me a rock and let me burn down an entire forest? Just to spend time with me.” “Only half a forest.” He smiled and held out a dark red stone the size of her thumbnail. “This is all that’s left of the stone we used.”

  She took it carefully, afraid it would start the process all over again. “Don’t worry. It’s just a rock now. We can

  make it into some type of memento for you. Maybe a nice necklace, or ring, whatever you want. I’d be happy to make it for you.”

  “A ring? Are you proposing so soon?” Keyla fluttered her eyelashes at him. Ditran burst out laughing and reached for the stone. “I think I’ll take it back if you’re going to mock me.”

  His hand wrapped around hers. When she clutched the stone to her chest, it brought them close together. The top of her head reached his chin, the words of whatever she’d been about to say dying on her lips. He leaned towards her.

  She smirked and took a step back, withdrawing her hand from his as she did so. “I’m not kissing you for a piece of jewelry. But if you’re so inclined, a ring would be nice. Necklaces just dangle and get caught in my hair.”

  “I’ll have it done before you reach the Palace.” He held out his hand to her and found the stone resting in his palm. She laughed. He stretched out his other hand to her, and in the most pompous voice he could manage asked.

  “Can I escort you milady, to a lunch of fine dining?”

  She placed her hand in his, and answered in an equally pompous voice. “I would be honored, your highness.” He tucked her arm in his so he could escort her as they walked. They didn't speak for several moments, but those moments were filled with comfortable silence. Placing the stone in his pocket, he heard the tiny clink as it settled next to his watch. The fire around them was out, and he looked at the black ash beneath his feet and sighed.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked. “I came here because this forest is where my Father died. I had hoped to find...” He shook his head.

  “What did you want to find?”

  His body. “It's childish, but I wanted to find his watch with the family crest.” “It's not childish; I would give anything to have something of my parents, to know something about them. What does your crest look like?”

  “It has a symbol for each element and the letter H on it. Here.” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin, handing it to her.

  Keyla stared at it a moment. It seemed vaguely familiar. She ran her hand over the engravings and started to turn it over. As the light caught the edges, it distorted part of the image, and she knew where she had seen it. Similar to Ditran she reached into her own pocket. Fumbling in her haste, she

  dropped the clump of metal she’d placed there earlier.

  Ditran reached for it with her, and in the process bumped into her. She grabbed his arm to regain her balance and ended up pulling him down with her. They both laughed and sat up. Ditran beat her to the object she dropped.

  When he saw what it was, he stopped laughing. “Where did you get this?” “When I ran away earlier. I really am sorry I did that. I was just so afraid I’d hurt someone. When I finally calmed down, I found it in a clearing.”

  “Was there anything else?”

  “Not that I saw, but I wasn’t really looking.”

  Ditran felt his hopes fall a little. He knew it was irrational, but he had so many questions about the day his father died. The stories he’d been told by guards and servants about his father’s death never quite matched what was written in the report of the battle. He once asked Sonovo what happened, pointing out the discrepancies. His uncle yelled that it was because of the Rebels his Father was dead and not to bring it up again. Ditran never brought it up again, but it didn’t stop him from wondering.

  There was no body to bury; his father was gone, like a puff of smoke on the wind. It was suspected the Rebels had taken the body to keep the King and Ditran from having closure. An ongoing torment.

  Shortly after he had been told his father was dead, Ditran had created stories about how his father would escape from the Rebels and return as he always promised. Ditran had even made a game of it, sometimes pretending in the orchard that his father was fighting the rebels and Ditran would rescue him from their clutches.

  The lump of metal he held in his hands dashed that hope. His father would not have left it behind. Tears stung his eyes, and he blinked them away before they could fall. Crying is a sign of weakness, and he was not weak. That's what his Uncle always told him when he was younger.

  As he came out of his thoughts, he found Keyla looking down at him expectantly. She must have stood while he was lost in thought. “Did you say something?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “I asked—” “Your neck!” He blurted it out. “The line, the mark, it’s gone.” Before Keyla could reply, Emre came running towards them. “Heir Ditran, we must return to the city at once. Rebels.”


  “I don't know. Captain Drake told me to ta
ke you back to the city immediately.”

  Ditran quickly got up from the ground, “Lead the way.” Ditran and Keyla followed Emre without saying another word. When they reached the shortcut back to the city, ice shot out of the bushes. Emre immediately put up a wall of flames, but his wall did not block the ice from the other side of the path. Ditran saw Keyla try to put up a wall the way Emre had, but nothing happened. The ice hit her, and she fell backwards to the ground. Before Ditran could stop it, the ice grew around her, pinning her to the ground. She struggled to get free, but was only able to take one last breath before the clear barrier froze around her completely.

  Ditran had never been in a real battle, only sparred against those who couldn't hurt him unless they wanted to be punished by Sonovo. What he found himself in now was chaotic. The one clear thought in his mind was, you took my father, you will not take me.

  The raw emotions he had held in check earlier were now unleashed. He found he was too angry to use ice effectively, but he used that to his advantage as he let the heat of anger rush through him. Green and yellow flames whipped around him in a tornado. He made it grow wider.

  The bushes quickly burst into flames. He heard a scream followed by a man running out into the open path. Ditran shot a ball of fire at him. The man fell with a sickening thud and didn't move.

  After several minutes, when nothing happened, Emre checked the surrounding area.

  “Only tracks, the second attacker fled,” Emre said.

  Ditran let the flames slowly extinguish around him and turned his attention to Keyla. Together with Emre they carefully melted the ice around her. When she was left in a puddle, her skin had a blue tint. There was no breath, no pulse. Ditran found the energy inside him and swept his hands down in front of his body and over hers. He drew healing energy out of himself and into her. Searching for any sign of her own energy to strengthen so he could heal her, he found a dwindling spark.

  Emre began blowing air into her lungs and making a series of compressions on her chest above her heart.