[2016] The Bride Trials Read online

Page 3

  When he returned to his room, it was with disappointment.

  “Captain Drake, are you sure there are no other eligible women in this city?” “Yes, Sire.”

  “Do I have to pick one?”

  “As the law commands, each City must be represented.”

  “I don’t like any of them well enough to marry.” “May I offer you advice?”


  “Select Nixie Merganse.”

  “Did you not see her mother?”

  “If you don’t pick her, then as governing nobles, the Merganse family could cause problems. There will be over a thousand candidates at the trials. If Nixie doesn’t pass the tests, then her mother will be mad at her. If she does pass, there will still be others you can choose from.”

  “Fine. Go make the offer. We leave in the morning.”

  “We’re supposed to stay through the end of the week.”

  “I can’t spend the week with Duchess Merganse.”Or her wet hands. Drake left to make arrangements, and Ditran pulled out the journal from his mother. He sank into the chair, flicked on the lamp in the corner and began reading the new entry.

  The day I met your father was amazing. Sonovo was to marry my sister, and your father came with him to visit. When our eyes met for the first time, everything changed. My life before him was grey. With him it filled with blue like his

  eyes, red like the apples we shared. Color, song and laughter filled my days as never before.

  And when he lifted my hand in his–

  A beeping sounded from his phone. He groaned at the name, and answered.

  “Drake tells me you didn’t want to pick a girl. Are you ready to come home?” Sonovo said. “Hello, Uncle.” “This is what, the fourteenth city you’ve been to without success? I’ll let you out of our deal if you come home now.”

  Ditran ignored the bait to discuss the candidates he’d already selected. “I have to do this, Uncle. My parents would have wanted me to.”

  “Your Father didn't go through this process for his Bride.” “He knew who his Bride was before all of the Candidates were even picked. It was love at first sight.”

  Sonovo laughed. “This again. Love at first sight is a bunch of imaginary nonsense. It's only a physical response meaning you find them attractive. There will be plenty of attractive females when the trials start. You’re nineteen! Come home and enjoy your days of being single a while longer, although from the magazine articles, it looks like you are

  enjoying your time out there. A Miss Amelia is quite upset with you kissing her and then not being picked for the trials.”

  “I didn’t kiss her! She kissed me. Why do they print that garbage?

  “If you come back to the Palace, this can all go away.”

  “Uncle, we've talked about this.” “I just worry about your safety, Ditran, especially after the rebels killed your Father. And what is this I hear about you going to Cryssal so soon?”

  “I have to go to every city.” “Not that one, your father died near there, or did you forget? You’re my only family. It's up to me to protect you,” Sonovo said.

  “I'll be perfectly safe. Cryssal is little more than a village now, and Drake has ordered additional guards to the city for my arrival. I'm not going to change my mind about this.”

  There was a loud sigh. “Promise me if there are any problems, you'll come straight back to the Palace.”

  “I promise, Uncle. But there won't be.” The phone went dead. Ditran felt his body tense. In his haste to leave the Merganses behind,

  he’d forgotten the next stop was where his father died. Without a body, it still didn’t feel real. But after waiting nine years, he had to be dead.

  he weeks passed day by day without new

  information for her first assignment. Each day Keyla was expected to make the meals and assist Lady Plume with her hair. As the woman liked to change her outfit multiple times a day, it was more time consuming than it needed to be. One style for breakfast, one for tea, another for the announcements and lunch…

  Even now, Keyla held the hot hair iron with one hand and long strands of Lady Plume’s pale hair with the other.

  “Remember, Girl,” Lady Plume said. “I want beautiful, even curls. I want the other women to be envious at the announcements. Especially that conniving Mrs. Lar. She’ll never be promoted to

  Lady. I want her to be so jealous she can’t see straight when we present you to Viscount Ashby today. The Viscount was very specific in his request to meet the child Lord Plume and I took in.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Keyla said. She wrapped the first section around the iron. “We only have an hour before the announcements start. Remember, perfection. It has to be perfect.”

  Keyla pulled the hair tighter. “Yes, Ma’am.” You’ve only reminded me about your desire for perfection every hour of every day I’ve been here.

  “Gentle. Clearly the woman that brought you here didn’t train you very well. It’s no surprise really. You can’t expect a commoner to know the demands of my station. Clearly she is incompetent.”

  Keyla thought of Suzenita. Common or not, she was worth a thousand Lady Plumes. “She trained me fine, Ma’am.”

  “Such disrespect. I’ll see that Lord Plume works that out of you.” Keyla moved her thumb and hit the up arrow on the heat for the iron. Might as well do something to deserve a beating this time. Although it hadn’t mattered when Lord Plume wracked his cane across her ribs yesterday for serving a cold sandwich, or her arm the day before for not filling his glass fast enough. Or any of the days before that. So long as the bruises could be hidden by clothes, they didn’t care.

  Aside from the daily announcements, the only time Keyla was allowed out of the house was when she went with Mr. Nit for groceries once a week. Sometimes he’d drive the long way, and she’d get to see more of the ash covered city.

  “Mr. Nit better get back soon with the dress you are to wear. That we had to wait all this time is ridiculous. You must be perfect when you meet Viscount Ashby today. How that woman allowed you to come without proper clothing shows how inept she is. I think I’ll write a report. Maybe some time in the factory will teach her to be more responsible. Let the militia practice on her.”

  Keyla smelled burning hair just before chunks of hair fell into Lady Plume’s lap. Perfect. “You idiot!” Lady Plume stood quickly, knocking her chair over in the process. She whirled towards Keyla and slapped her hard across the face. “You’ll be punished for this.”

  “It was an accident.” I didn’t intend to make that much fall off. “ How am I supposed to hide this!” Lady Plume screeched as she looked into the mirror. “It’s right in front of my face!”

  Mr. Nit entered the room. He must have just arrived. “Ma’am, may I be of assistance?” “Get her out of my sight. She’ll need to be fit to be seen for the announcements, but I don’t want to see her until it’s time to leave.”

  Keyla quickly left and was led to her room on the first floor. It was the smallest room in the house, but bigger than anything Keyla had ever slept in. There was enough room for her to do her stretches every morning and night without worrying about hitting any furniture or walls. A dress was laid out on the bed. It’s pink, the kind of pink idiotic children wore to dress up as princesses. I’ll look like I’m twelve.

  “Make yourself presentable,” Mr. Nit said. He left, closing the door behind him. Keyla quickly disrobed and put on the dress. It irritated every inch of pale skin it touched from her neck to her knees. The fabric was stiff, almost crunchy, and very itchy from the starch that was used. She put her hair in a simple braid, and was staring at the dark red hand print on her face when there was a knock on the door.

  “Time to go, or we’re going to be late,” Mr. Nit said.

  She followed Mr. Nit through the house where the car sat waiting out front.

  Lord and Lady Plume sat in the front of the car, while Keyla and Mr. Nit got in the back. Lady Plume wore a wide white and black hat with
an overabundance of dark purple feathers. It was angled to hide the chunk of pale hair Keyla had burned off.

  They drove past a large brick building. Black smoke billowed out of a large chimney in the back. Even inside the car she could smell the acrid scent. It reminded her a lot of the smell of burning hair, but it wasn’t quite right. Whatever was being burned, it wasn’t wood. Black Letters in the metalwork over the front doors taunted. Work for Freedom.

  “That’s the Factory. I should see you put there for what you did, girl,” Lady Plume said. “Now dear, the more difficult the brat, the more charitable we look,” Lord Plume said. “I’m sure she won’t do it again.”

  His eyes caught Keyla’s in the review mirror, and the hair on the back of her neck pricked. It was the same feeling that caused her to move the dresser in front of her bedroom door at night.

  “Cover your face girl!” Lady Plume tried to reach over the seat. “Undo your hair so no one can see that bruise on your face. And if they do, you better tell them it’s because you were clumsy and fell.”

  Keyla undid the braid and fingered the hair to cover the side of her face where Lady Plume hit her earlier. Like falling would cause a hand print on my face.

  The rest of the drive to the city center was filled with Lady Plume fretting about if Mrs. Lay would take their seats since they were running late. The parking lot only had a few cars, however as the lot was in such disrepair, Lord Plume was still forced to take one farther away from the city square.

  They got out of the car and walked. The crowd of two hundred people milled about, blocking the sidewalks, and guards blocked off the section of road leading to the stage. The closer to the outdoor stage they got, the more congested with people it became. Lord Plume crowd towards the sectioning off the area of chairs in front of the stage. A microphone stand sat in the center under a small canopy.

  Mr. Nit left to sit with his family somewhere else in the back crowd. Normally Keyla would join him, but today she was supposed to meet Viscount Ashby. The Plumes and Keyla found their seats nearest the stage, the road to their right with a car waiting for Viscount Ashby after the announcements.

  A few chairs down a plump woman in a teal dress looked at the plumes and gave a smug smile. She sat next to an equally plump younger woman wearing an identical dress.

  “Mrs. Lay,” Lady Plume said. “I see you and your daughter have the same designer again. It’s a miracle they are able to find enough fabric to cover the both of you.”

  pulled Keyla through the stage. There were ropes

  The woman sat a little taller. “And your brat is dressed in last season’s cast offs. No wonder you’ve kept her hidden for so long.”

  Before Lady Plume could retort, Viscount Ashby in a silver suit entered the stage and tapped on the microphone.

  “People of Cryssal. It is with much sadness that I have to announce that there were individuals last night who broke the Code of Conduct,” Viscount Ashby said. He motioned to the edge of the stage.

  An older man and a woman, who looked around twenty, were pulled out on stage. The man clutched one of his arms, bruises marred his face. The woman’s clothes were torn, and she stared at nothing in particular.

  Ashby continued speaking. “As we all know, the code was set in place by King Sonovo shortly after his brother, Master Harold, was cut down by the heartless rebels not too far from where we stand now. The code is all we have to protect us from the thieves, murderers and utter chaos. The code is simple. Stay indoors after sundown, obey any instructions from the militia, report any signs of rebellion.”

  Keyla couldn’t stop the quiet chuckle from passing her lips. Lord Plume glared at her through the tiny blue tinted glasses perched on his nose. He puffed his chest out like a blowfish, while moving his multi-colored cane from one hand to the other,

  preparing to strike at any perceived insult.

  Keyla forced a light cough and looked away. The rebels had done nothing in Cryssal since Master Harold's death. But they would be if she ever got the additional promised would come.

  The Viscount turned “Confess your crimes now, or go to the factory.” instructions Suzenita

  to the two people. A hush of horror swept the crowd. The woman dropped to her knees, and the words she spoke didn’t carry farther than the stage. However the Viscount nodded at a guard in grey standing next to her. The guard drew his sword and swung it hard. Her head fell to the ground and the old man began shouting about his daughter’s innocence.

  Ashby nodded at two more guards. They picked up the man and carried him off the stage. The guard in grey, removed the woman’s body. It was then that the Viscount continued speaking as if nothing had happened.

  Keyla scratched the itch at her collar. The dress she’d been forced to wear must have been made from poison ivy. Even the worst soap shouldn’t be this itchy.

  “Stop fidgeting.” The harsh whisper came from Lady Plume on her right. “You will not embarrass us in front of Viscount Ashby. He’s the only Nobility in the City, and we need to be in his good


  Forcing herself to focus on Ashby’s words, Keyla sat still in her chair. “Due to last night's incident, any unauthorized personnel in a Red zone after sunset will be killed on sight. Anyone caught breaking the Code of Conduct will be charged with rebel involvement, and punished as an enemy of King Sonovo and Heir Ditran.”

  “Where are the red zones?” Keyla asked. “The factory district.” Lord Plume answered with a quick rap of his cane to her shin.

  Keyla shuddered. She’d avoid there as much as possible. A car door slammed to her right. Keyla looked over and saw a young man leaning against the car meant for Viscount Ashby after the announcements. He was tall, with shiny black shoes and a dark suit. His blond hair cut short, she couldn’t see his eyes through the dark glasses he wore. He took a deep breath before approaching Viscount Ashby with long strides.

  “Hello,” He said and removed his glasses. “I thank you in advance for your hospitality during my stay. I look forward to meeting the lovely ladies here and selecting one for the Bride Trials.”

  His voice sounded like honey, smooth and

  sweet, although his smile lacked all signs of genuine joy. Heir Ditran. The pampered prince come to claim a prize.

  “Welcome!” Viscount Ashby clapped his hands. “We’ll be having a feast this evening. Invitations will be delivered shortly.” He concluded his speech by naming who had broken the law the day before and asking any family or close friends to step forward.

  Keyla shuddered. She could still hear the words in Suzenita’s warning. Anyone associated with a criminal faces terrible tortures until they also admit to a crime. Death is welcome by that point, even if they were innocent.

  Lady Plume grabbed Keyla's arm. “Pay attention.” Heir Ditran was looking at Keyla. A breeze blew back the hair covering the bruise on the side of her face. The wind felt like gentle fingers. When it stopped, the hair fell back into place. There was a tightness to the Heir’s jaw as he looked away. Viscount Ashby led the Heir back to the black car. Ditran briefly looked her way before disappearing into the car with Ashby.

  Now that the speech was over, Keyla found herself being pulled through the congested town square by Lady Plume. The crowd had surged towards the road after the Heir’s departure into the car. Even now the guards were having difficulty keeping people far enough away to let the car drive


  “After all my husband and I do for you, you cause nothing but trouble,” Lady Plume said. “You are lucky Viscount Ashby was too busy to meet you today. Clearly you need more training on proper manners.”

  Lord Plume reiterated the sentiment with his cane on Keyla’s leg. Keyla limped from the pain and stared at the ground. It wasn't her fault. She hadn't asked to stay with the Plumes. But if it meant finally proving herself to the rebel cause, she’d put up with the Plumes. Although, Keyla would make her bald, if she kept acting like this.

  A guard dressed in red
approached them. “Keyla Stinton, is that you?”

  “Emre?” Keyla looked at the familiar red hair in surprise.

  “Officer Emre now, I just got promoted. What brings you here?” “Emre these are my caretakers, Lord and Lady Plume. This is Emre Murtle an old neighbor of mine,” Keyla said.

  Lord Plume nodded at Emre. “Pleasure.” Another guard dressed in blue approached. “Emre, it’s time to get back. We need to go over the Heir’s schedule for his stay.” “Just a minute, Mitch.” Emre pulled out a blue and white piece of paper. He held it out to Keyla. “I have an extra ticket to the dinner tonight, perk of being on the Heir’s security detail. You should come.”

  “I’ll—” Keyla didn’t get a chance to say anything more. “We must be on our way.” Lady Plume snatched the ticket and didn’t wait for Emre to respond but pulled Keyla farther into the throng of people.

  Keyla was able to give a brief wave to Emre before he followed the other guard. The drive back to the house was quiet. Keyla thought about Emre. She hadn’t seen him since he enlisted when he turned eighteen. Three years ago he’d been madly in love with Keyla’s best friend. Every day he’d followed Keyla and Victa to the beach, flirting shamelessly with Victa, becoming friends with Keyla. Then there was that terrible night when the guards came for Victa’s father and burned the family alive in their home. Emre had joined the military days later and moved away. How could he join the monsters that killed Victa?

  An hour later, Keyla was locked in her room. She sat on the bed sharpening the small blades that hid nicely in her boots. Lady Plume was at a salon

  to get her hair fixed since she and Lord Plume also received a blue and white invitation from Viscount Ashby to dine with Heir Ditran that evening. Keyla barely managed to grab her invitation from the garbage before Mr. Nit threw it out.