[2016] The Bride Trials Read online

Page 12

  He grinned like a school boy and reached into his pocket. “I have a gift for you that is long overdue.”

  He took the hand still holding his and lifted her little finger. The delicate red ring barely fit. “I’m sorry. I thought I had it right. The next one will fit properly.”

  “Next one?” Keyla bit her lip.

  “The moment you win.” He pressed his lips to the back of her hand.

  Keyla didn’t think it was possible to be more in love. “Do we have time to practice?” It only took him a second to understand her question. A slow, sexy smile curved on his lips. “I think they can wait—.”

  Her lips were on his before he could finish his

  sentence, desperate to tell him of her love without saying a word. While her lips crushed his, he gently wound his fingers into her hair. She would have been content to stay there like that, in their bubble, indefinitely.

  Gradually, so they could savor every second, he changed the pace of the kiss. What she started as fast and hurried became slow and tender. She could feel the strength of his shoulders under her hands as she slid her arms up and around his neck.

  He didn’t need practice.

  Their lips broke apart, and he rested his forehead against hers. “I love you,” Keyla said.

  “I love you, too.”

  He skimmed his fingers along her cheek and placed his lips on hers. They were soft and warm, gentle in a way that said more than the words they’d spoken aloud. When they finally parted, they stood there holding each other until the cold air brought them back to their senses.

  “They’re probably wondering where we are,” Keyla said. After another moment, Ditran guided the bubble around the rocks where the black fish had disappeared. The water Kuil was not what she thought it would be. It looked like an upside down

  palace suspended in the water.

  He took them to the main doorway, and, when they crossed the threshold, the bubble burst. The inside of the Kuil was filled with air, and people walked about like it was dry land.

  Phemia rushed towards them. “Heir Ditran, Lady Keyla, we were beginning to worry.”

  “It’s my fault Phemia,” Ditran said. “I wanted to practice something.”

  Keyla felt her cheeks warm. “Of course, Sire. Keyla, you were supposed to be first, but we have a schedule to keep. Arcis volunteered to take your place since she arrived here first. She should be finishing soon, and then you can go.”

  The door at the far end opened and Arcis stepped through, her face filled with furry when guards grabbed her by her arms.

  “I’m innocent!” she screeched.

  A man dressed in a blue tunic stepped through the door.

  “Gon Calder, what happened?” Ditran asked him. “Sire, the Voda Dra’s scale does not lie. It said this woman wished the king dead. Take her for judgement.”

  The guards left with Arcis, kicking and screaming the entire way.

  “Who’s next?” Gon Calder asked?

  . Phemia pushed Keyla forward. “Lady Keyla Stinton.” Keyla’s stomach was in knots by the time she walked through the door behind Calder. If the scale could see that about Arcis, what would it say about her?

  The blue room they entered was cloaked with shadows, except for the very center. Gon Calder sat on a chair that appeared to be made from ice. A small fountain gurgled water by his side. He motioned for Keyla to sit in the chair across from him.

  After she was seated, the water in the fountain shot up above their heads. Calder waved his arm to the right, and the water spread between them. A silver square with rounded edges rested in the center of the water.

  “This is Voda Dra’s scale. As you look at it, the scale will show me events in your future based on your intents and dreams. Now take a deep breath and look at the very center.”

  The cold air filled her lungs as she stared at the scale. Her thoughts floated to the recent kiss, and Ditran telling her he loved her. She thought of their first kiss after he’d healed the woman’s pain. A surge of desire to end the pain in the kingdom

  flooded her mind.

  She blinked, and the wall of water with the scale was gone. Calder looked at her more closely. “Your thoughts were very specific and clear. I can see that you have a good heart, but there is pain you must overcome to obtain what you desire. I wish you luck.”

  Keyla left the room the same way she’d entered. A woman with short black hair and a blue suit similar to Keyla’s was talking loudly with ladies from the other elements. The woman saw Keyla, and a darkness glinted in her eyes while a smile spread on her face.

  “You should have seen the way she threw herself at the Heir. It was disgusting, forcing a kiss on him. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why he left as soon as she went in there. He couldn’t get away fast enough.”

  A women in brown saw Keyla then and nudged another with her elbow. They looked at her with hatred and disgust in their eyes.

  Nurya grabbed her elbow. “Don’t listen to Nixie. Ditran left to solve the matter of Arcis’s judgment. The guards were talking about putting her to death.”

  rcis received judgement from the Dovesti’s

  stone. Her powers and voice were stripped from her before Keyla and the others returned from the water Kuil. Nine others were dismissed after Calder revealed what the scale showed. Now fifteen remained, and the next trial would begin tomorrow night at the Earth Kuil.

  Ditran watched six of the ladies training in the courtyard below him. Nixie and two others dressed in blue were standing in a triangle formation. They worked as a group to send a stream of water in a smooth circle over their heads.

  "Excellent." He called out to them as he descended the stairs. He couldn't contain a smirk when one of them lost focus and caused her section to drop. It soaked her from head to toe. She quickly drew the water out of her clothing and carried on like nothing happened, despite the glare Nixie and the other lady gave her.

  Ditran moved past them to the three ladies dressed in grey, air elementals.

  As he approached the trainer to see how things were progressing, Nixie called out to him in alarm. He turned just in time to see Nixie freeze water around an object in the air. When he looked towards the source, he found one of the ladies in grey similarly frozen. Her stance, with arm extended, left nothing to doubt. She'd thrown something at him.

  Ditran frowned and melted the water around the object. He caught it in his hand. A single dart with a red tip lay in his palm. He pricked his finger on the dart and immediately felt a poison seep into his blood stream. He closed his eyes and focused on flushing out the contaminated blood. Black blood oozed from the small wound. Once he could feel the poison was completely gone, he sealed the wound and looked up.

  Guards had melted the ice around the girl and had her in chains.

  Captain Drake stood next to her. "Heir Ditran. I'll take her to the dungeons immediately." Ditran just nodded to Drake. Akasha, the would-be assassin, cast her eyes down. Flicking out another dart, she rammed it into her thigh before they could take her away.

  "Death to tyrants." She gasped out as her body tremored in death. "Training is over for today, Ladies. Please return to the tower." The water instructor ushered the women away.

  "Sire.” The air instructor stood nervously in front of him. He held up a bucket of little plastic balls. “We were not using darts. I don't know where she could have gotten those."

  "I know, Sir," one of the guards spoke up. "Do you think she's one of the Rebels?" the air instructor asked. Ditran flinched involuntarily at the dreaded designation. "As she's dead, I don't think we'll ever know for certain."

  "Yes, Sire," the air instructor affirmed, shifting nervously from one foot to the other. "The training lessons will need to continue this afternoon. There isn't much time until the third round of the trials begins."

  "Yes, Heir Ditran." The air instructor bowed, turning his attention back to the training area. Ditran nodded and walked away toward the orchard. He needed time to think
. How many more would die before it was over?

  yla had been frantic to get Keyla ready for this challenge. She’d pulled Keyla’s hair up and set it with sparkling pins, leaving only a small section to hang down on one side. Keyla stared at the new mark on her hand. The water droplet image was gone, now a mountain took its place. Tyla had spent an hour picking the perfect nail polish to compliment the mark.

  “Hurry! There isn’t much time before you need to leave.” Tyla held up a red dress. Keya stepped into it and slipped the small straps over her shoulders. With practiced hands Tyla quickly laced up the corset. The bottom of the dress fanned out only a little from her hips on its way to the floor.

  “Turn, let me look at you.”

  Keyla did a small spin. “Perfect. Time to go.”

  Upon exiting the tower, Tyla guided her to the west. They’d all been surprised the day before to learn this morning the plan had changed. The trial in the Earth Kuil would challenge their ability to remain constant. Whatever that means.

  Nurya walked towards them, she must have finished her round. “Keyla! Don’t worry, there’s only ten people in there so it’s easy.”

  Keyla gave Nurya a quick hug, and her nerves settled just a little. “Thank you.” The shard Nixie had spent the days since spreading rumors about Keyla among the other women. Only Nurya had defended Keyla, and they would forever be friends because of it.

  Lady Phemia greeted her in front of two large doors. “Lady Stinton, just in time. Through these doors there is a dinner party where your role will be to act as hostess. Your task is to find the assassin before any of the guests are harmed. One of the guests is Gon Vesta in disguise. She will judge you on your ability to remain composed. Good luck!”

  Two servants opened the double doors, and Keya stepped through. The room was made completely out of stone; from the white polished

  floor, to the cavernous, black ceiling with glittering crystals that looked like stars. Chandeliers similar to the one in the palace hung around the room providing light.

  The room was filled with people. So much for ten people. She stopped counting at twenty, when the first couple approached her.

  “My Lady.” They bowed. “I am Sir Verona, and this is Lady Verona.”

  Keyla nodded her head in response. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Are you native to the City?” “Oh no!” Lady Verona fluttered her fan. “We live just on the other side of the bridge. We love the idea of grand affairs. We never thought we’d earned the King’s invitation and be at the Palace.”

  Keyla nodded. “How gracious of his majesty to invite everyone.” “Perhaps you could introduce us?” Sir Verona motioned to the center of the room where Sonovo sat.

  “What kind of hostess would I be if I didn’t?” Keyla started towards the throne. As they approached, Keyla noticed Lady Verona’s hands became shaky. Despite the fine jewels, and rich fabric, she kept fidgeting with the lace around the sash on her waste and fluttering her fan more rapidly than polite.

  “Do you just love the Palace?” Lady Verona asked.

  “It is different from everything I’ve known.” “I’m sure you’ll get used to it. We love all of the events here,” Sir Verona said. Keya paused for a moment in her stride. If this was the first invitation from the King, they never would have attended an event at the Palace. For a socialite, she was awfully nervous. Lady Verona fingered her sash again, and Keyla saw a flash of silver.

  So she’s the assassin. That just made Keyla’s evening easier.

  “Is something wrong with your sash, Lady Verona?” She let go of her sash immediately. “Of course not. Just the nerves. My Mama would always scold me for my fidgeting.”

  Keyla seized her opportunity. “Oh dear, I’m afraid it’s come loose. Here let me fix it.” Before Lady Verona could say anything, Keyla undid the bow and let the sash fall. A small silver mirror fell to the floor and shattered.

  “You fool!” Lady Verona shouted. Drawing the attention of the entire ballroom.

  “Oh dear,” Keyla said while pressing a hand to her chest in a motion of proper apology. Ditran appeared at her side in an instant. He wore a black suit just like the ones she’d seen in magazines.

  “What is going on here?” He asked. “That was a family heirloom.” Lady Verona pointed to the floor. “Now it’s broken because of her.”

  Ditran pointed to the mirror and swirled his finger. The pieces began floating and swirling before molding back together.

  “Good as new.” He picked it up and held it out to her. “How kind of you.” Lady Verona twisted the ring on her finger and held out her hand to accept it.

  The light caught just right on the ring. A fine pointed spike stuck out of the bottom. Keyla grabbed her wrist before she made contact with Ditran. Very carefully she pulled the ring off of Lady Verona’s finger.

  “A poison ring. Very clever Miss Verona.” Sonovo plucked the ring out of Keyla’s hand. “I haven’t seen one of those in ages.”

  Sonovo took the exposed spike and pricked Lady Verona. Swaying on her feet a few moments

  later, he snapped his fingers. Four guards appeared and escorted Sir and Lady Verona out of ballroom.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen the Lady was feeling ill this evening. She is being taken to the Palace Healer. Please continue enjoying your evening.” When the crowd went back to their conversations, he turned to Keyla. “Congratulations on finding the first tonight.”

  “The first?” Ditran asked. “Of course. Don’t you remember our bet this morning? You said she could handle twice as many as the other girls. Or do you take back your words? You do remember what will happen.”

  Ditran clenched his jaw. “I’m sure she can handle it.”

  “Excuse me?” Keyla interjected. “It’s time to start the first dance of the evening.” Ditran motioned to the orchestra, and they began the first strains of melody. He held out his hand to her.

  Sonovo looked at Keyla. “You’ll have until dessert to finish the challenge.”

  As she and Ditran walked to the dance floor she noticed all of the stares around them. I’m a hostess. “Please enjoy the evening, dinner will be served soon.”

  He held her right hand with his left and placed his other on her back. Keyla enjoyed being in his arms. It reminded her of the bubble they shared. He held her a little tighter than was proper and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating. She had just a moment to breathe him in, when the first strains of a waltz started playing. They swirled around the Dance floor, his light, but firm touch guided her through each step. Indeed she would dance the night away with him, but this was a trial and just like the bubble, it was time move on.

  “What was all of that about?” she asked. “Uncle wants to kill off weak blood in the next trial. If you can pass this round, he’s agreed to change it.”

  “Why?” “We can talk about this later. You need to stay alert. It’s a miracle you spotted the first as fast as you did.”

  “It really wasn’t that difficult. You don’t think the other one will have a poison ring?” She hated to think about worrying every time someone held out a hand or brushed against her.

  “No. Uncle can be dramatic when he wants to make a point. Whatever comes next will be flashy. Now smile.” He twirled her and pulled her close. “You are radiant this evening and I want the judge to see you carefree. She’ll score you higher if you handle the stress.”

  “Isn’t it against the rules to help me?” “No. You don’t need my help. I need yours.”

  They spent the remainder of the dance twirling and smiling. Keyla watched the faces of those around them. Many were smiling with them, and a handful were glazed from the drinks the servants carried on trays around the room. The King was frowning.

  The song changed, and Keyla reluctantly switched to the next dance partner. She smiled at the man, but as he was more concerned in counting his steps in time with the music it allowed her time to survey the room with only needing to make a remark here or there.

“Dinner is served.” Sonovo motioned for everyone to proceed into the next room. Her time was almost up she looked around the room. A guard dressed in brown stood next to a stone pillar as people moved by. The military spiral on his left arm.

  Left. Wrong arm! Keyla moved through the crowd in his direction. She smiled and gave brief compliments to several people she passed. As she reached him, she grabbed his sleeve. He dropped his arm and a long thin wire, like the one Emre had shown her weeks before, slipped into his hand.

  She sucked in a breath and pressed her hand to his. As she exhaled heat seared her palm. He let out a small yelp and let go of the wire.

  A woman in a bronze colored dress, and hair to her waist approached. “Well done. You were the last to face this challenge and did better than most.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m Gon Vesta, let’s enjoy the meal now.”

  They walked together to the dining table. Ditran gave her a quizzical look upon seeing Vesta. He stood and pulled a chair out for each of them.

  “You should keep this one Ditran. She has a quick eye and a steadiness.” Vesta took her seat and immediately reached for her goblet. She raised it high and in a loud voice toasted. “To the Heir and his future bride.”

  People turned to look at her more closely and she felt a blush rise on her face. “Wherever she may be.” Sonovo added while raising his glass. “The next round begins on the morrow.”

  The smirk on his face sent a shiver down her spine.

  en women and two trials remained. Sleep, the night before, came in small snippets. Keyla was dressed in the military red uniform for today’s trial long before the knock came on her door. Nanny set a familiar silver tray on the table next to the couch in Keyla’s sitting room. She poured a familiar orange liquid into the porcelain cup before handing it to Keyla.

  The mark on Keyla’s hand burned. The mountain image faded and a dragon breathing fire took its place.